Bab Al Zahra

Painting Contracting
Painting Contracting

Carpentry and Flooring Contracting

Bab Al Zahra offer a comprehensive painting service for commercial, Residential, and Institutional project. We complete the painting job by focusing on the details in using one of the best methods and products into projects. if you choose to execute our service, you will be able to see the difference between quality and time manner.

• Exterior/Exterior Painting contractor
• Spray Painting
• Roll and Tip Method Painting
• Glazing Application Painting
• Epoxy Floors Painting
• Texture Design
• Wood Staining and Varnishing,

We establish the systematic procedures to safely perform the detailed methodology for painting works of internal walls, ceiling, and external walls. This ensures that the quality control objectives are maintained, and accurate records are established of all activities in different stages associated with the project. The scope of this procedure covers the steps to be followed for the architectural painting works. This includes general requirements for materials, tools, equipment, and all services and operations necessary for the complete supply, preparation, and application of the following scope of works: (1) Preparatory works/pre-construction (2) Surface preparation, (3) Primer application, (4) Stucco application (as per manufacturer’s recommendation/standard) (5) 1st coat and final coat application (as per manufacturer’s recommendation/standard) and (6) Repair/rectification works (if any) In order to maintain our high standard of excellence and follow strict guideline of our client expectation and provides training to nominated employee carefully to enhance our business model.